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Video Recording – Seminar #3 (2022/01/28): K. Zakowski “Post-Abe Politics in Japan: Decision-Making Process under Suga & Kishida Cabinets”

The video recording of our last seminar (01/28) is finally online.

Karol Zakowski (University of Łódź): “Post-Abe Politics in Japan: Decision-Making Process under Suga & Kishida Cabinets”

It was a delight to welcome Professor Zakowski for this virtual event. Thank you again for the talk and for answering our varied questions!

Many thanks also to all participants for joining us.

Please enjoy the video and see you soon!

Seminar #3 – January 28 (Friday), 2022: K. Zakowski “Post-Abe Politics in Japan: Decision-Making Process under Suga & Kishida Cabinets”

(French version below)

Dear all,

The French research group on State and Politics in Japan (GEPJ) is very pleased to announce its next seminar (in English).

Karol Zakowski (University of Łódź)

will be giving a talk titled :

“Post-Abe Politics in Japan:

Decision-Making Process under Suga & Kishida Cabinets”

Date, Time: January 18th (Friday), 13:00-15:00 (CEST, UTC/GMT +1:00)

The seminar poster (PDF file): GEPJ Seminar (Zakowski)

You are all cordially invited to this event.

The seminar will take place both:

      • At the University of Paris, 5 rue Thomas Mann 75013, Room 481C (Grands Moulins)
      • And online via Zoom: please contact Arnaud Grivaud ( to register and obtain the link

We look forward to welcoming you!

Le Groupe d’Etude sur le Politique au Japon est heureux de vous inviter à la troisième séance de son séminaire (2021-22) qui aura lieu le Vendredi 28 janvier 2022, de 13h à 15h (heures françaises),

autour de la présentation suivante :

“Post-Abe Politics in Japan: Decision-Making Process under Suga & Kishida Cabinets”

par Karol Zakowski (Professeur, Université de Łódź)

L’affiche en PDF : GEPJ Séminaire (Zakowski)

Ouvert à toutes et à tous, le séminaire se tiendra en hybride :

    • À l’Université de Paris, 5 rue Thomas Mann 75013, en salle 481C (Grands Moulins)
    • Et via ZOOM : veuillez contacter pour le lien d’accès

Au plaisir de vous y retrouver !