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Bibliographie (été 2021) : histoire politique du Japon // Japanese Political History

Une liste de publications (89 au total) traitant du politique avant les années 1990 :


Histoire politique (général) // Political History (general)

Chapman, David. « History and the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands: Connecting Japan and the Pacific » in Michael Weiner (dir.). Routledge Handbook of Race and Ethnicity in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Rüegg, Jonas. « Currents and Oceanic Geographies of Japan’s Unending Frontier », The Journal of Pacific History. 2021, vol.56 no 3. p. 296‑319. DOI: [].

Wert, Michael. Samurai: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, New York. Oxford University Press. 2021. 144 p. (Very Short Introductions).

En japonais :

伊勢芳夫 (編)「近代化」の反復と多様性 :「東と西」の知の考古学的解体』 Hiroshima. 溪水社. 2021. URL : 

加藤陽子 この国のかたちを見つめ直す』 Tokyo. 毎日新聞出版. 2021.

新谷卓、中島 浩貴、鈴木 健雄 (編)歴史のなかのラディカリズム』 Tokyo. 彩流社. 2021.

Histoire économique // Economic History

Caruana-Galizia, Paul, Toshihiro Okubo, et Nikolaus Wolf. « Underlying Sources of Growth: First and Second Nature Geography » in Kyoji Fukao et Stephen Broadberry (dir.). The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World: Volume 2: 1870 to the Present. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2021, vol.2, p. 382‑417. (The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World). DOI: [].

Fukao, Kyoji et Tokihiko Settsu. « Japan: Modern Economic Growth in Asia » in Kyoji Fukao et Stephen Broadberry (dir.). The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World: Volume 2: 1870 to the Present. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2021, vol.2, p. 100‑128. (The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World). DOI: [].

Nakabayashi, Masaki. « Tokugawa Japan and the Foundations of Modern Economic Growth in Asia » in Kyoji Fukao et Stephen Broadberry (dir.). The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World: Volume 1: 1700 to 1870. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2021, vol.1, p. 67‑96. (The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World). DOI: [].

Histoire politique (avant 1868) // Political History (before 1868)

Ericson, Mark. « Sovereignty on Display: The Tokugawa Bakufu and the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867 », The Journal of Japanese Studies. 2021, vol.47 no 2. p. 277‑311. DOI: [].

Facius, Michael. « Terms of Government: Early Modern Japanese Concepts of Rulership and Political Geography in Translation », Journal of the History of Ideas. 2021, vol.82 no 3. p. 521‑537. DOI: [].

En japonais :

更級悠哉 幕末・明治の外交交渉と外国人 近代日本の黎明』 Tokyo. 青山ライフ出版. 2021. URL : 

Histoire politique (1868-1945) // Political History (1868-1945)

Goto, Atsushi. « Surveying and Mapping the Japanese Archipelago in the 19th Century » in Shigeru Akita, Hong Liu et Shiro Momoki (dir.). Changing Dynamics and Mechanisms of Maritime Asia in Comparative Perspectives. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 17‑41. (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History). DOI: [].

Inoue, Tatsuki. « The role of pawnshops in risk coping in early twentieth-century Japan », Financial History Review. 2021. p. 1‑25. DOI: [].

Lu, Sidney Xu. « A great convergence: The American frontier and the origins of Japanese migration to Brazil », Journal of Global History. 2021. p. 1‑19. DOI: [].

Ward, Max. « Toward a genealogy of the police idea in imperial Japan: a synthesis », International Journal of Asian Studies. 2021. p. 1‑18. DOI: [].

Yang, Timothy M. A Medicated Empire: The Pharmaceutical Industry and Modern Japan. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University Press. 2021. URL :

En japonais :

木村健二 近代日本の移民と国家・地域社会』 Tokyo. 御茶の水書房. 2021.

斎藤充功 陸軍中野学校全史』 Tokyo. 論創社. 2021.

Acteurs politiques // Political Actors

伊藤之雄 東久邇宮の太平洋戦争と戦後:陸軍大将・首相の虚実 一九三二~九〇年』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021.

萩原淳 平沼騏一郎-検事総長、首相からA級戦犯へ』 Tokyo. 中央公論新社. 2021.

清水唯一朗原敬-「平民宰相」の虚像と実像』 Tokyo. 中央公論新社. 2021.

後藤新平, 楠木賢道 国家とは何か(後藤新平の全仕事)』 Tokyo. 藤原書店. 2021. URL :

Histoire agricole // Agricultural History

Arimoto, Yutaka et Yoshihiro Sakane. « Agricultural development in industrialising Japan, 1880–1940 », Australian Economic History Review. 2021. DOI: [].

Craig, Christopher. Middlemen of Modernity: Local Elites and Agricultural Development in Modern Japan. Honolulu. University of Hawaiʻi Press. 2021. URL : 

Ère Meiji (1868-1912) // Meiji Era (1868-1912)

Guth, Christine M. E. « ‘The Japanese Stand Today as Teachers of the Whole World’: American Food Reform and the Russo-Japanese War », Journal of American-East Asian Relations. 2021, vol.28 no 3. p. 193‑217. DOI: [].

Inenaga, Yusuke. « La légitimité de l’« État-famille » ? Le culte des ancêtres et les fondements de la lignée unique à l’ère Meiji », Revue d’histoire du XIXe siecle. 2021, n° 62 no 1. p. 83‑99.

Iwamoto, Kazumasa et Carola Hein. « The role of Dutch civil engineering in modern port planning in Japan (1870s–1890s) », Planning Perspectives. 2021, vol.36 no 3. p. 617‑629. DOI: [].

Schmidt, Jan. « Just for the Record: Ōkuma Shigenobu and the Mediatisation of 1910s Japanese Politic(ian)s », Media History. 2021. p. 1‑25. DOI: [].

En japonais :

雨倉敏広 明治国制史』 Tokyo. 一藝社. 2021.

渡辺浩 明治革命・性・文明: 政治思想史の冒険』 Tokyo. 東京大学出版会. 2021. URL : 

Période 1912-1937 // 1912-1937 Period

Hayter, Irena, George T. Sipos, et Mark Williams (dir.). Tenkō: Cultures of Political Conversion in Transwar Japan. Londres. Routledge. 2021. 290 p. DOI: [].

En japonais :

筒井清忠 大正史講義』 Tokyo. 筑摩書房. 2021.

Empire colonial japonais // Japanese Colonial Empire

Barclay, Paul D. « Imperial Japan’s Forever War, 1895-1945 », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 18‑4. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Song, Lei. « Panoptic apparatus: a study of the Japanese-built prisons in colonial Taiwan (1895–1945) », Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2021. p. 1‑18. DOI: [].

Yi, Kisung. « Japanese Imperialism and the Investigation of Stone Age in Colonial Joseon », Korean Studies. 2021, vol.45 no 45. p. 192‑213. DOI: [].

En japonais :

本島和人 満洲移民・青少年義勇軍の研究: 長野県下の国策遂行』 Tokyo. 吉川弘文館. 2021. URL : 

吉田裕 戦争と軍隊の政治社会史』 Tokyo. 大月書店. 2021.

Politique étrangère, relations internationales (1868-1937) // Foreign Policy and International Relations (1868-1937)

Aboitiz, Nicole CuUnjieng. « Restoring Asia to the Global Moment of 1898 », The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 2021, vol.49 no 3. p. 527‑552. DOI: [].

Hammond, Kelly A. « Muslim interactions between Central Asia, China, and Imperial Japan » in Chiara Formichi (dir.). Routledge Handbook on Islam in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Le Moli, Ginevra. « ‘Parity with all nations’: The ‘coolie’ trade and the quest for recognition by China and Japan », Leiden Journal of International Law. 2021. p. 1‑19. DOI: [].

Preker, Simon. « Illegitimate Representatives: Manchukuo-German Relations and Diplomatic Struggles in Nazi Germany » in Joanne Miyang Cho (dir.). Sino-German Encounters and Entanglements: Transnational Politics and Culture, 1890–1950. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 289‑317. (Palgrave Series in Asian German Studies). DOI: [].

Rotard, Alexander. « Imperial Japanese Propaganda and the Founding of The Japan Times 1897-1904 », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 juin 2021, vol.19 no 12‑2. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Sasaki, Yuichi. « Reception and practice of diplomacy in modern Japan: power, interests, and norms », International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 2021. DOI: [].

Tuck, Robert. « Nihon Gaishi Goes Global: A Translation History of a Nineteenth-Century Blockbuster », Monumenta Nipponica. 2021, vol.76 no 1. p. 69‑115. DOI: [].

Ueda, Kaoru (dir.). Fanning the Flames: Propaganda in Modern Japan. Stanford, California. Hoover Institution Press. 2021. 188 p.

Seconde Guerre mondiale // World War 2

Brecher, W. Puck. Honored and Dishonored Guests: Westerners in Wartime Japan. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Asia Center. 2021. 372 p.

Casey, Steven. The War Beat, Pacific: The American Media at War Against Japan. Oxford, New York. Oxford University Press. 2021. 408 p.

Sturma, Michael. « Swordplay: Lord Mountbatten, Count Terauchi and the Japanese Surrender in Southeast Asia », The English Historical Review. 2021, vol.136 no 580. p. 651‑671. DOI: [].

Sumi, Yuta. « The use of civil administration budgets by the Japanese military government of the Micronesia territory from 1914 to 1922 », Management & Organizational History. 2021. p. 1‑44. DOI: [].

Suzuki, Michiko. « The Japanese Red Cross Society’s Emergency Responses in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945 », Social Science Japan Journal. 2021, vol.24 no 2. p. 347‑367. DOI: [].

Ward, Rowena. « Japanese Civilian Internees in New Caledonia: A Gap Between the Protecting Powers and the ICRC » in Marcel Berni et Tamara Cubito (dir.). Captivity in War during the Twentieth Century: The Forgotten Diplomatic Role of Transnational Actors. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 101‑118. DOI: [].

En japonais :

井上義和 特攻文学論』 Osaka. 創元社. 2021.

片山慶隆 アジア・太平洋戦争と日本の対外危機:満洲事変から敗戦に至る政治・社会・メディア』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021. URL : 

関野満夫 日本の戦争財政』 Hachiōji. 中央大学出版部. 2021.

戦争社会学研究研究会 戦争社会学研究5 計量歴史社会学からみる戦争』 Tokyo. みずき書林. 2021. URL : 

藤田俊 戦間期日本陸軍の宣伝政策 民間・大衆にどう対峙したか』 Tokyo. 芙蓉書房出版. 2021.

Histoire politique (après-guerre) // Political History (post-war)

Homei, Aya. « Birth control survey research, technical bureaucrats and the imagining of Japan’s population, 1945–60 », Japan Forum. 2021, vol.33 no 3. p. 338‑360. DOI: [].

Kietlinski, Robin. « ‘A Strong, Sustainable Legacy:’ The Environment and Japan’s Winter Olympics », The International Journal of the History of Sport. 2021. p. 1‑18. DOI: [].

Nakao, Maika. « Knowledge and Culture Behind the Dosimetry System: Japanese Scientists, Radioactive Disasters and the Technologies for Measuring Radioactivity in the Twentieth Century » in Susanne Brucksch et Kaori Sasaki (dir.). Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts: Case Studies from Japan. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 55‑83. (Health, Technology and Society). DOI: [].

Seto, Tomoko. « From the Stage to the Ring: The Early Years of Japanese Women’s Professional Wrestling, 1948–1956 », Journal of Women’s History. 2021, vol.33 no 3. p. 61‑85. DOI: [].

Siniawer, Eiko Maruko. « “Toilet Paper Panic”: Uncertainty and Insecurity in Early 1970s Japan », The American Historical Review. 2021, vol.126 no 2. p. 530‑554. DOI: [].

En japonais :

岸政彦 東京の生活史』Tokyo. 筑摩書房. 2021.

及川智洋 戦後日本の「革新」勢力:抵抗と衰亡の政治史. 京都. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021. URL : 

樋口健二 慟哭の日本戦後史:ある報道写真家の六〇年』 Tokyo. こぶし書房. 2021. URL : 

Acteurs politiques // Political Actors

五百旗頭真 評伝 福田赳夫: 戦後日本の繁栄と安定を求めて』 Tokyo. 岩波書店. 2021. URL : 

小池聖一 森戸辰男』 Tokyo. 吉川弘文館. 2021.

松村謙三, 武田知己 松村謙三 三代回顧録』 Tokyo. 吉田書店. 2021.

Période de l’occupation (1945-1952) // Occupation Period (1945-1952)

Choi, Deokhyo. « The Empire Strikes Back from Within: Colonial Liberation and the Korean Minority Question at the Birth of Postwar Japan, 1945–47 », The American Historical Review. 2021, vol.126 no 2. p. 555‑584. DOI: [].

Masayoshi, Noguchi, Yuta Sumi, et Yasuhiro Shimizu. « Occupation, financial reporting and unintended consequences in post-World War Two Japan: the case of mining corporations 1946–1950 », Accounting History Review. 2021, vol.31 no 2. p. 215‑252. DOI: [].

En japonais :

西鋭夫, 岡﨑匡史 占領神話の崩壊』 Tokyo. 中央公論新社. 2021.

道場親信 占領と平和: 〈戦後〉という経験』 Tokyo. 青土社. 2021.

Rapatriements et déplacements de populations (après-guerre) // Repatriations and Population Displacements (post-war)

Caprio, Mark E. « Displaced peoples and the continued legacy of the Pacific War: Korean repatriation and the danger element », International Journal of Asian Studies. 2021. p. 1‑19. DOI: [].

Jacob, Frank. « Japanese Prisoners of War, the American-Soviet Conflict, and the Role of Repatriated War Veterans in the Early Cold War in East Asia » in Marcel Berni et Tamara Cubito (dir.). Captivity in War during the Twentieth Century: The Forgotten Diplomatic Role of Transnational Actors. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 119‑136. DOI: [].

Période 1952-1989 // 1952-1989 Period

Donzé, Pierre-Yves et Rika Fujioka. « The Formation of a Technology-Based Fashion System, 1945–1990: The Sources of the Lost Competitiveness of Japanese Apparel Companies », Enterprise & Society. 2021, vol.22 no 2. p. 438‑474. DOI: [].

Ito, Kenji. « Three tons of uranium from the International Atomic Energy Agency: diplomacy over nuclear fuel for the Japan Research Reactor-3 at the Board of Governors’ meetings, 1958–1959 », History and Technology. 2021, vol.37. p. 67‑89. DOI: [].

Les années 1960 // The 1960s

Chung, Insun. « Olympic Film between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: The 1964 Tokyo Olympiad and the Postwar Mass Mobilization », The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society. 2021. p. 1‑14. DOI: [].

Gerteis, Christopher. Mobilizing Japanese Youth: The Cold War and the Making of the Sixties Generation. Ithaca New York. Cornell University Press. 2021.

Karlsson, Mats. « The Economic Miracle Revisited: Social-Status Angst and Ambivalence towards High-Growth Policies in 1960s Japanese Youth Film », Japan Forum. 2021. p. 1‑19. DOI: [].

Marotti, William. « The Performance of Police and the Theatre of Protest », Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. 2021, vol.35 no 2. p. 117‑123. DOI: [].

Pollutions // Pollution Issues

遠藤邦夫 水俣病事件を旅する: MEMORIES OF AN ACTIVIST』 Tokyo. 国書刊行会. 2021.

畑明郎 イタイイタイ病発生源対策50年史』 Tokyo. 本の泉社. 2021. URL : 

Politique étrangère, relations internationales (1945-1990) // Foreign Policy and International Relations (1945-1990)

Jenkins, Philip. « Asian Theaters » in Philip Jenkins (dir.). A Global History of the Cold War, 1945-1991. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 73‑89. DOI: [].

Kang, Seung Mo. « The Question of South Korean Participation in the Japanese Peace Treaty », The International History Review. 2021. p. 1‑16. DOI: [].

Nasser, Yasser Ali. « Returning to “Asia”: Japanese embraces of Sino–Indian friendship, 1953–1962 », International Journal of Asian Studies. 2021. p. 1‑19. DOI: [].

Takeda, Yu. « The Group of Seven and Japan’s Changing Anti-Hijacking Policy, 1978–1981 », The International History Review. 2021. p. 1‑20. DOI: [].

Xin, Zhai. « The Japanese conservative camp’s bridging method for China–Japan relations under the separation of politics and the economic policy: investigation of the case of the Kenzo Matsumura Group, 1959–1972 », International Journal of Asian Studies. 2021. p. 1‑18. DOI: [].

Yamamura, Midori et Yu-Chieh Li (dir.). Visual Representations of the Cold War and Postcolonial Struggles: Art in East and Southeast Asia. Londres. Routledge. 2021. 276 p. DOI: [].

En japonais :

福島啓之 戦後日本の関係修復外交: 国際政治理論による歴史分析』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021. URL : 

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ioan Trifu (10 octobre 2021). Bibliographie (été 2021) : histoire politique du Japon // Japanese Political History. Politique au Japon. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Auteur/autrice : Ioan Trifu

Docteur en science politique (Université de Lyon et Université du Tōhoku)

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