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Bibliographie (été 2021) : défense et affaires étrangères du Japon

Une série de publications (76) sur les questions de défense et la politique extérieure du Japon :

Politique étrangère, relations internationales (général)

Delamotte, Guibourg. « 25. Asie : continent en expansion » in Guibourg Delamotte et Cédric Tellenne (dir.). Géopolitique et géoéconomie du monde contemporain. Puissance et conflits. Paris. La Découverte. 2021. URL : [consulté le 14 juillet 2021].

Drew, Joseph. « When Toynbee’s “fossilized” or “arrested” societies are reborn as peripheral states: the cases of Israel, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan » in Alicia J. Campi et Jagannath P. Panda (dir.). Mongolia and Northeast Asian Security. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Funabashi, Yoichi. Policy Brief – Japan’s Strategy and US-China geo-technological competition. Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance. 2021. (CSDS Policy brief). URL : [consulté le 28 juin 2021].

Howe, Brendan M. « Challenges to and Opportunities for International Organisation in East Asia », Global Society. 2021, vol.35. p. 501‑521. DOI: [].

Jütersonke, Oliver, Kazushige Kobayashi, Keith Krause, et al. « Norm Contestation and Normative Transformation in Global Peacebuilding Order(s): The Cases of China, Japan, and Russia », International Studies Quarterly. 2021. DOI: [].

Liao, Jessica C. et Saori N. Katada. « Institutions, Ideation, and Diffusion of Japan’s and China’s Overseas Infrastructure Promotion Policies », New Political Economy. 2021. p. 1‑14. DOI: [].

Lind, Jennifer. « Great Power Drives Great-Power Narratives », Asia Policy. 2021, vol.28 no 3. p. 142‑147. DOI: [].

McGill, Peter. « Friend or foe? Corporate scandals and foreign attempts to restructure Japan », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 juillet 2021, vol.19 no 14‑5. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Parlar Dal, Emel, Samiratou Dipama, Şaban Çaytaş, et al. « Assessing the Development–Foreign Policy Nexus of the Asian Rising Powers: South Korea, China, Japan and Indonesia », Global Policy. 2021. DOI: [].

Pempel, T. J. A Region of Regimes: Prosperity and Plunder in the Asia-Pacific. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University Press. 2021.

Pieke, Frank N. et Koichi Iwabuchi (dir.). Global East Asia: Into the Twenty-First Century. Oakland, California. University of California Press. 2021. 352 p.

Rentetzi, Maria et Kenji Ito. « The material culture and politics of artifacts in nuclear diplomacy », Centaurus. 2021, vol.63 no 2. p. 233‑243. DOI: [].

Yokomizo,Dai. « 22. Transnational Law and Conflict of Laws: A Japanese Perspective  » in Peer Zumbansen (dir.).  The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law. Oxford, New York. Oxford University Press. 2021. 

En japonais :

薮中三十二 外交交渉四〇年薮中三十二回顧録』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021.


Défense et pacifisme

Barbasiewicz, Olga et Maciej Pletnia. Internal and External Aspects of Japanese Security. Berlin. Peter Lang. 2021. URL : 

Hagström, Linus, Thao-Nguyen Ha, et Dan Öberg. « Everyday Perspectives on Security and Insecurity in Japan: A Survey of Three Women’s Organizations », Social Science Japan Journal. 2021. DOI: [].

Le, Tom Phuong. Japan’s Aging Peace: Pacifism and Militarism in the Twenty-First Century. New York. Columbia University Press. 2021.

Mulloy, Garren. Defenders of Japan: The Post-Imperial Armed Forces 1946-2016, A History. Oxford, New York. Oxford University Press. 2021. 320 p.

Takenaka, Harukata. « Evolution of Japanese security policy and the House of Councilors », Japanese Journal of Political Science. juin 2021, vol.22 no 2. p. 96‑115. DOI: [].

En japonais :

北村滋 情報と国家-憲政史上最長の政権を支えたインテリジェンスの原点』 Tokyo. 中央公論新社. 2021.

千々和泰明 安全保障と防衛力の戦後史 1971~2010 :「基盤的防衛力構想」の時代』 Tokyo. 千倉書房. 2021.

広島市立大学広島平和研究所 広島発の平和学: 戦争と平和を考える13講』 Kyoto. 法律文化社. 2021.


Aides internationales

Hoshiro, Hiroyuki. « Do diplomatic visits promote official development aid? Evidence from Japan », Political Science. 2021. p. 1‑21. DOI: [].

En japonais :

阪本公美子, 岡野内正, 山中達也 日本の国際協力 中東・アフリカ編:貧困と紛争にどう向き合うか』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021.

重田康博, 太田和宏, 福島浩治, et al. 日本の国際協力 アジア編:経済成長から「持続可能な社会」の実現へ』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021. URL : 


Armes nucléaires

Steve Rabson. « Six Decades of US-Japanese Government Collusion in Bringing Nuclear Weapons to Japan. », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 juillet 2021, vol.19 no 14‑3. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].


Chasse à la baleine

Kolmaš, Michal. « Why is Japan shamed for whaling more than Norway? International Society and its barbaric others », International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 2021. DOI: [].


Conflits territoriaux

Kim, Suk Kyoon. « The Senkaku Islands Dispute Between Japan and China: A Note on Recent Trends », Ocean Development & International Law. 2021, vol.52 no 3. p. 260‑273. DOI: [].

Szanto, Balazs. « The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute: A Dispute for Dispute’s Sake », Asian Affairs. 2021, vol.52 no 3. p. 583‑600. DOI: [].


Économie politique internationale

Asami, Tatsuya. « Timing of international market openings and shrinking middle-income class », Review of Development Economics. 2021. p. 1‑23. DOI: [].

Kawai, Masahiro. « Japan’s Role in Improving Global Economic Governance in the Era of US–China Strategic Competition » in Huiyao Wang et Alistair Michie (dir.). Consensus or Conflict? China and Globalization in the 21st Century. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 59‑74. (China and Globalization). DOI: [].


Okinawa, bases militaires américaines

Aruga, Natsuki. « Uniquely Okinawan: Determining Identity during the U.S. Wartime Occupation », Journal of American History. 2021, vol.108 no 2. p. 409. DOI: [].


Relations Japon-U.S.

Akaha, Tsuneo et Keiko Hirata. « US Bilateralism Under Trump, Power Shift in East Asia, and Implications for Regional Security and Prosperity: A Theoretical Analysis of Japan’s Strategic Adjustment » in Tsuneo Akaha, Jingdong Yuan et Wei Liang (dir.). Trump’s America and International Relations in the Indo-Pacific: Theoretical Analysis of Changes & Continuities. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 19‑52. (Contributions to International Relations). DOI: [].

Bae, Jeeho. « Reshaping U.S.–South Korea–Japan Trilateral Relations » in Earl A. Carr Jr. (dir.). From Trump to Biden and Beyond: Reimagining US–China Relations. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 91‑109. DOI: [].

Frühling, Stephan et Andrew O’Neil. Partners in deterrence: US nuclear weapons and alliances in Europe and Asia. Manchester. Manchester University Press. 2021. 251 p.

Harold, Scott W. et Rika Kamijima-Tsunoda. « Winning the 5G Race with China: A U.S.-Japan Strategy to Trip the Competition, Run Faster, and Put the Fix In », Asia Policy. 2021, vol.28 no 3. p. 75‑103. DOI: [].

Lawrence, Mark A. « Japan-US Relations » Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Foreign Relations. Oxford, New York. Oxford University Press. 2021.

Takahashi, Tomoko. « Wronged translators in U.S.-Japan politics », Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies. 2021, vol.8 no 2. p. 99‑116. DOI: [].

Yamada, Keisuke. « US-Japan Conflict and the Rise of the Synthetic in Global Capitalism », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 18‑1. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].


Relations Japon-Asie/Pacifique

Bakshi, Parul. « Japan’s contribution to peace, prosperity & sustainability: energy transitions in the Indo-Pacific region », The Pacific Review. 2021. p. 1‑24. DOI: [].

Campi, Alicia J. « The relationship of United States-Japan-Mongolia democratic trilateralism to the Indo-Pacific strategy and Korean Peninsular discussions » in Alicia J. Campi et Jagannath P. Panda (dir.). Mongolia and Northeast Asian Security. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Hiroyuki, Fujimaki et Tsedendamba Batbayar. « Japan’s foreign policy security mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific and Northeast Asia » in Alicia J. Campi et Jagannath P. Panda (dir.). Mongolia and Northeast Asian Security. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Inoguchi, Takashi et Ankit Panda. « Japan’s Grand Strategy in the South China Sea: Principled Pragmatism » in Anders Corr (dir.). Great Powers Grand Strategies: The New Game in the South China Sea. Annapolis. Naval Institute Press. 2021.

Liu, Tony Tai-Ting. « Go South Towards the Indo-Pacific: Taiwan, Korea and Japan’s Policy Response Against the BRI » in Pramod Jaiswal et Deepak Prakash Bhatt (dir.). Rebalancing Asia: The Belt and Road Initiative and Indo-Pacific Strategy. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 193‑204. DOI: [].

Murayama, Mayumi, Sanjoy Hazarika, et Preeti Gill (dir.). Northeast India and Japan: Engagement through Connectivity. Londres. Routledge India. 2021. 354 p. DOI: [].

Nagao, Satoru. « Rapid Development of India–Japan Cooperation: Its Chance and Challenges » in Aparna Pande (dir.). Routledge Handbook on South Asian Foreign Policy. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Sano, Shutaro. « Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision: In Overcoming the Geostrategic Dilemma » in Pramod Jaiswal et Deepak Prakash Bhatt (dir.). Rebalancing Asia: The Belt and Road Initiative and Indo-Pacific Strategy. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 11‑27. DOI: [].

Shoji, Tomotaka. « Nexus of the East and South China Seas: A Japanese Perspective » in Leszek Buszynski et Do Thanh Hai (dir.). Maritime Issues and Regional Order in the Indo-Pacific. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 119‑133. (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Politics and Security). DOI: [].

Takahashi, Toshiya. « Historical Continuities, Geopolitical Interests, and Norms in Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific » in Leszek Buszynski et Do Thanh Hai (dir.). Maritime Issues and Regional Order in the Indo-Pacific. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 165‑185. (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Politics and Security). DOI: [].

Wardani, Ranti Yulia. « The interests of China, India, and Japan in the negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: Theoretical perspectives », International Social Science Journal. 2021. DOI: [].


Relations Japon-Chine

Eto, Naoko. « Japan-China Strategic Communications Dynamics under the Belt and Road Initiative: The Case of “Third Country Business Cooperation” », Asian Perspective. 2021, vol.45 no 3. p. 533‑558. DOI: [].

Gustafsson, Karl et Todd H Hall. « The Politics of Emotions in International Relations: Who Gets to Feel What, Whose Emotions Matter, and the “History Problem” in Sino-Japanese Relations », International Studies Quarterly. 2021. DOI: [].

Pajon, Céline. « Chine/Japon : redéfinir les termes de la coexistence », Politique etrangere. 2021, Été no 2. p. 15‑26. DOI: [].

Shuk-ting Kinnia Yau. « Japanese Media and China-Japan Relations: From the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations to the Second Abe Regime », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 juillet 2021, vol.19 no 14‑4. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Singh, Bhubhindar. « Japan’s responses to China’s rise: Soft balancing in Southeast Asia », Asian Security. 19 juillet 2021, vol.0 no 0. p. 1‑19. DOI: [].

Suzuki, Shogo. « Economic statecraft, interdependence, and Sino-Japanese ‘rivalry’ », The Pacific Review. 2021. p. 1‑24. DOI: [].

Ward, Robert. « Chapter Two: Japan’s Security Policy and China » in The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (dir.). Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2021: Key Developments and Trends. Londres ; New York. Routledge. 2021, p. URL : 

Yang, Hai et Baldwin Van Gorp. « A frame analysis of political-media discourse on the Belt and Road Initiative: evidence from China, Australia, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States », Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2021. p. 1‑27. DOI: [].

Yoshimatsu, Hidetaka. « Japan’s strategic response to China’s geo-economic presence: quality infrastructure as a diplomatic tool », The Pacific Review. 30 juillet 2021, vol.0 no 0. p. 1‑29. DOI: [].


Relations Japon-Corée du Sud

Dormels, Rainer. « Ocean Literacy—In the Context of Naming of Seas: Case Study: The Sea Between Korea and Japan » in Kostis C. Koutsopoulos et Jan H. Stel (dir.). Ocean Literacy: Understanding the Ocean. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 93‑111. (Key Challenges in Geography). DOI: [].

Kim, Ji Young, Wenxin Li, et Seunghee Lee. « Making Sense of Japan’s Export Restrictions against South Korea: Domestic Symbolism, Empowered Premiership, and Anti-Korean Sentiment », Asian Survey. 2021, vol.61 no 4. p. 683‑710. DOI: [].

Sakaki, Alexandra. « Troubling neighborhood: Japan’s perspective on the Korean Peninsula » in Mason Richey, Jagannath P. Panda et David A. Tizzard (dir.). The Future of the Korean Peninsula: Korea 2032 and Beyond. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Seo, Jungmin. « Diagnosing Korea–Japan relations through thick description: revisiting the national identity formation process », Third World Quarterly. 2021. p. 1‑16. DOI: [].

En japonais :

吉澤文寿 (編) 日韓会談研究のフロンティア——「1965年体制」への多角的アプローチ』 Tokyo. 社会評論社. 2021. URL : 


Relations Japon-Taïwan

Liu, Fu-kuo, Dean Karalekas, et Masahiro Matsumura. Defense Policy and Strategic Development: Coordination Between Japan and Taiwan. Singapour. World Scientific Publishing. 2021.

Xin, Zhai. « Securing Taiwan: Separating the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait in Japan’s China Policy », Asian Studies Review. 2021. p. 1‑17. DOI: [].


Relations Japon-Europe

Biswas, Prana Krishna et Robert Dygas (dir.). Asian Foreign Direct Investment in Europe. Londres. Routledge. 2021. 146 p. DOI: [].

Górska, Rumiana. « Sectoral effects of the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement for the European Union countries », Asia Europe Journal. 2021. DOI: [].

Heng, Yee-Kuang. « UK-Japan military exercises and mutual strategic reassurance », Defence Studies. 2021, vol.21 no 3. p. 334‑355. DOI: [].


Soft power & diplomatie publique

Bisping, Sophie. « From aims to results: justifying and implementing Japanese cultural policies in Southeast Asia », International Journal of Cultural Policy. 2021. p. 1‑15. DOI: [].

Ergin, Murat et Chika Shinohara. « Neo-Ottomanism and Cool Japan in comparative perspective », New Perspectives on Turkey. 2021. p. 1‑22. DOI: [].

Goh, Teck Fann. « The emergence of Japanese film festivals in the Asia-Pacific 1990-2018 », Transnational Screens. 2021. p. 1‑16. DOI: [].

Lincot, Emmanuel. Géopolitique du patrimoine. L’Asie d’Abou Dabi au Japon. Paris. MkF Éditions. 2021. 118 p. URL : 

Nakano, Ryoko. « Japan’s demands for reforms of UNESCO’s Memory of the World: the search for mnemonical security », Cambridge Review of International Affairs. 2021, vol.34 no 4. p. 590‑607. DOI: [].

Otmazgin, Nissim. « An “East Asian” Public Diplomacy? Lessons from Japan, South Korea, and China », Asian Perspective. 2021, vol.45 no 3. p. 621‑644. DOI: [].

Pickersgill, Martyn. « Governing through imaginaries: on the place and role of constructions of Japan within UK policy discourse regarding science, technology, and innovation », Journal of Law and the Biosciences. 2021, vol.8 no 2. DOI: [].


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Ioan Trifu (10 octobre 2021). Bibliographie (été 2021) : défense et affaires étrangères du Japon. Politique au Japon. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

Auteur/autrice : Ioan Trifu

Docteur en science politique (Université de Lyon et Université du Tōhoku)

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