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Bibliographie (été 2021) : politique japonaise contemporaine // Contemporary Japanese Politics

Voici des publications (148 au total) qui pourraient servir aux chercheurs travaillant sur le Japon et le politique en général :


Politique japonaise (général) // Japanese politics (in general)

Inoguchi, Takashi. Japanese Politics in Comparative Perspective: From the East to the West, and Then Whither? New York. Peter Lang. 2021. 286 p.

En japonais :

色川大吉 平成時代史』 Tokyo. アーツアンドクラフツ. 2021.

大井赤亥 現代日本政治史 ──「改革の政治」とオルタナティヴ』 Tokyo. 筑摩書房. 2021. URL : 

大嶽秀夫, 酒井大輔, 宗前清貞 日本政治研究事始め―大嶽秀夫オーラル・ヒストリー』 Kyoto. ナカニシヤ出版. 2021.

原武史 一日一考 日本の政治』 Tokyo. 河出書房新社. 2021. URL : 

日本政治学会 « 政党システムの現在 »年報政治学』2021ーⅠ. URL : 

安世舟 現代日本政治の解明―「決定中枢」の変容を中心として』 Tokyo. WORLD DOOR. 2021.

山本健太郎 政界再編 離合集散の30年から何を学ぶか』 Tokyo. 中央公論新社. 2021.

吉田健一 55年体制の実相と政治改革以降: 元参議院議員・平野貞夫氏に聞く』 Tokyo. 花伝社. 2021.

與那覇潤 平成史―昨日の世界のすべて』 Tokyo. 文藝春秋. 2021.

Administration publique (niveau national) // Public Administration (national level)

Kim, Pan Suk. « Government Employment Practices in East Asia: A Case Study of Merit-Based Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants in Japan and South Korea » in Helen Sullivan, Helen Dickinson et Hayley Henderson (dir.). The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 63‑80. DOI: [].

Catastrophe du 11 mars 2011, accident nucléaire de Fukushima // 3.11 Disaster and Fukushima Nuclear Accident

Brown, Azby. « Ushering in the New Normal: Viability and Informal Community Leadership in Fukushima Ten Years After 3.11 », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 17‑8. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Cleveland, Kyle. « Introduction: The Special Issue: Legacies of Fukushima: 3.11 in Context. », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 17‑1. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Cosson, Camille. « Les territoires réhabilités du Tōhoku face aux enjeux de la reconstruction : entre politique publique et application locale, quelle place pour la résilience ? », Geographie, economie, societe. 2021, Vol. 23 no 2. p. 139‑160. DOI: [].

Fackler, Martin. « Media Coverage of Fukushima, Ten Years Later », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 17‑3. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Jacobs, Robert. « Not Seeing the Contaminated Forest for the Decontaminated Trees in Fukushima », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 17‑4. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Jobin, Paul. « The Hermeneutics of Radiation and the Three Tsunamis », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 17‑6. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Kambe, Naoki. « Expressing Resignation and Nostalgia as/for Ecological Masculinities: Japanese Male Writers’ Responses to the Great East Japan Earthquake » in Paul M. Pulé et Martin Hultman (dir.). Men, Masculinities, and Earth: Contending with the (m)Anthropocene. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 373‑392. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology). DOI: [].

Kuroda, Yujiro et Yohei Koyama. « Long-term Follow-up of Affected Residents After Lifting Evacuation Orders in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan: Findings from an Interview-Based Psychological Survey », Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2021. p. 1‑7. DOI: [].

Kwesell, Allison et Chelsea A. LeNoble. « Socio-psychological Recovery in Post-nuclear Fukushima, Japan: Affective Reactions to Media Portrayal in Photographs », Visual Communication Quarterly. 2021, vol.28 no 2. p. 71‑87. DOI: [].

Lifton, Robert Jay et Scott Gabriel Knowles. « Commemoration and Meaning: The Case of Fukushima », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 17‑2. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Loh, Shi Lin. « Monitoring Disaster: 3.11, Radiation Measurement and Public Health in Fukushima » in Susanne Brucksch et Kaori Sasaki (dir.). Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts: Case Studies from Japan. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 85‑109. (Health, Technology and Society). DOI: [].

Polleri, Maxime. « Radioactive Performances: Teaching about Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster », Anthropological Quarterly. 2021, vol.94 no 1. p. 93‑123. DOI: [].

Povinec, Pavel P., Katsumi Hirose, Michio Aoyama, et al. Fukushima accident: 10 years after. Second edition. Cambridge. Elsevier. 2021.

Tokumaru, Osamu, Masanori Fujita, Saeko Nagai, et al. « Medical Problems and Concerns with Temporary Evacuation Shelters after Great Earthquake Disasters in Japan: A Systematic Review », Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2021. p. 1‑8. DOI: [].

En japonais :

村本邦子 周辺からの記憶: 三・一一の証人となった十年』 Tokyo. 国書刊行会. 2021.

COVID-19 & politique au Japon // COVID-19 and Politics in Japan

Asano, Taka-aki, Tomoki Kaneko, Shoko Omori, et al. « Predictable crises shape public opinion: evidence from the COVID-19 natural experiment », Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2021, vol.31. p. 311‑320. DOI: [].

Fielding, Tony et Yoshitaka Ishikawa. « COVID-19 and migration: A research note on the effects of COVID-19 on internal migration rates and patterns in Japan », Population, Space and Place. 2021, vol.27 no 6. p. e2499. DOI: [].

Kim, Ik Ki et Rosung Kwak. « 3. China, South Korea, Japan and Covid-19 » in Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Haeran Lim et Habibul Khondker (dir.). Covid-19 and Governance: Crisis Reveals. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021, p. URL : 

Ogawa, Eiji. « The case of Japan » in Bernadette Andreosso-O’Callaghan, Woosik Moon et Wook Sohn (dir.). Economic Policy and the Covid-19 Crisis. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Ruan, Yong Xin et Charles T. L. Leung. « Experiences of and Responses to COVID-19 in East Asia: The Cases of Japan and Korea » in Simon X.B. Zhao, Johnston H.C. Wong, Charles Lowe, et al. (dir.). COVID-19 Pandemic, Crisis Responses and the Changing World: Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 137‑147. DOI: [].

Tiberghien, Yves. Cambridge Elements: The East Asian Covid-19 Paradox. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2021. (East Asian Government, Politics and Policy). URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

En japonais :

阿部圭史 感染症の国家戦略 日本の安全保障と危機管理』 Tokyo. 東洋経済新報社. 2021.

平岡和久, 尾関俊紀 (編)新型コロナウイルス感染症と自治体の攻防』 Tokyo. 自治体研究社. 2021. URL : 

Communication & discours politiques // Political Discourse and Communication

Feldman, Ofer. « Decoding Japanese Politicians’ Rhetoric: Socio-Cultural Features of Public Speaking » in Ofer Feldman (dir.). When Politicians Talk: The Cultural Dynamics of Public Speaking. Singapour. Springer. 2021, p. 203‑220. DOI: [].

Constitution japonaise // Japanese Constitution

Hardacre, Helen, Timothy S. George, Keigo Komamura, et al. (dir.). Japanese Constitutional Revisionism and Civic Activism. Lanham. Lexington Books. 2021. 368 p.

Khan, Shamshad A. « Renewed Push to Amend Japan’s Post-War Constitution: Prospects and Challenges », Strategic Analysis. 2021. p. 1‑8. DOI: [].

Schlichtmann, Klaus. « Shidehara Kijūrō and the Japanese Constitution’s war-abolishing Article 9 », Japan Forum. 2021. p. 1‑25. DOI: [].

En japonais :

志田陽子, 榎澤幸広, 中島宏, 石川裕一郎 (編)映画で学ぶ憲法II』 Kyoto. 法律文化社. 2021.

鈴木敦, 出口雄一, 赤坂幸一 (編) 「戦後憲法学」の群像』 Tokyo. 弘文堂. 2021.

Crime & Police

Abel, Jessamyn R. « Information Society on Track: Communication, Crime, and the Bullet Train », The Journal of Japanese Studies. 2021, vol.47 no 2. p. 349‑379. DOI: [].

Hino, Kimihiro et Themis Chronopoulos. « A review of crime prevention activities in a Japanese local government area since 2008: Beautiful Windows Movement in Adachi Ward », Crime Prevention and Community Safety. 2021, vol.23 no 3. p. 341‑357. DOI: [].

Ho, Lawrence Ka-Ki, Jason Kwun-hong Chan, Garth den Heyer, et al. Policing the Police in Asia: Police Oversight in Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Cham. Springer. 2021.

Ireland-Piper, Danielle. Extraterritoriality in East Asia: Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction in China, Japan, and South Korea. Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2021.

En japonais :

竹内資郎 ドキュメント 激場 機動隊員奮闘記』 Himeji. 学術研究出版. 2021.

Crime & Police (yakuza)

Pelletier, Philippe. L’Empire des yakuza : pègre et nationalisme au Japon. Paris. Le cavalier bleu. 2021. URL : 

Culture & politique // Culture & Politics

Centeno, Marcos et Michael Raine (dir.). Developments in the Japanese Documentary Mode. Basel. Mdpi AG. 2021. 140 p.

Derfoufi, Mehdi. « Le Japon : hyperculturalité et globalisation culturelle » Racisme et jeu vidéo. Paris. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme. 2021, p. 261‑282. (Interventions). URL : [consulté le 14 juin 2021].

Frost, Jennifer et Warwick Frost. « Japan and medievalism: The samurai, cinema and cultural appropriation » Medieval Imaginaries in Tourism, Heritage and the Media. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Grajdian, Maria Mihaela. « Education as subversive practice: Takarazuka Revue’s performative re-enactments of the Cold War », Educational Philosophy and Theory. 2021. p. 1‑12. DOI: [].

Natsume, Kenichi. Japan’s Engineering Ethics and Western Culture: Social Status, Democracy, and Economic Globalization. Lanham, MD. Lexington Books. 2021.

En japonais :

藤野博 三島由紀夫と日本国憲法』 Tokyo. 勉誠出版. 2021. URL : 

Démocratie japonaise, opinion publique // Japanese Democracy and Public Opinion

Zhai, Yida. « Values Change and Support for Democracy in East Asia », Social Indicators Research. 2021. DOI: [].

Discriminations (burakumin)

Amos, Timothy D. « Burakumin: A discursive history of difference » in Michael Weiner (dir.). Routledge Handbook of Race and Ethnicity in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Neary, Ian. Dōwa Policy and Japanese Politics. Londres. Routledge. 2021. 276 p. DOI: [].

Droit & justice au Japon // Law and Justice in Japan

Karky, Ramesh B. « Japanese biotechnology regulation and life science (gene) patenting », The Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021. DOI: [].

Matsumoto, Kei, Christoph Rademacher, et Ayako Suga. « Protecting IP Licenses and Jointly Owned IP in the Age of COVID-19: Insolvency and Force Majeure Events under Japanese Law », GRUR International. 2021, vol.70 no 5. p. 463‑485. DOI: [].

Steele, Stacey et Geraldine Carney. « Tattoos, Privacy and Tōru Hashimoto: A Contemporary Attempt to use the Legal System to Protect Individual Rights in Japan », Japanese Studies. 2021, vol.41 no 2. p. 181‑199. DOI: [].

Vanoverbeke, Dimitri et Hiroshi Fukurai. « Lay Participation in the Criminal Trial in Japan: A Decade of Activity and Its Sociopolitical Consequences » in Nancy S. Marder, Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, Shari Seidman Diamond, et al. (dir.). Juries, Lay Judges, and Mixed Courts: A Global Perspective. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2021, p. 69‑87. (ASCL Studies in Comparative Law). DOI: [].

Yi, Joseph. « Prioritizing Free Speech or the Dignity of Victims: Competing Approaches to Public Discourse in Japan and South Korea », Society. 2021. DOI: [].

En japonais :

矢嶋里絵, 田中明彦, 石田道彦,  高田清恵, 鈴木靜 (編) 社会保障裁判研究: 現場主義・創造的法学による人権保障』 Kyoto. ミネルヴァ書房. 2021.

Droit & justice au Japon (affaire Ghosn) // Law and Justice in Japan (Carlos Ghosn Affair)

Seizelet, Éric. « Retour sur l’affaire Ghosn et la justice japonaise », Blog Japon(s). 2021. URL : [consulté le 14 juin 2021].

Droit & justice au Japon (prison) // Law and Justice in Japan (Prison)

Croydon, Silvia. « Prisoners’ rights implementation in Japan: breaking the shackles with suspects », Japanese Journal of Political Science. septembre 2021, vol.22 no 3. p. 163‑174. DOI: [].

Lyons, Adam J. Karma and punishment: prison chaplaincy in Japan. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Asia Center. 2021. (Harvard East Asian monographs ; n˚ 443).

Elections au Japon // Japanese Elections

河村和徳 電子投票と日本の選挙ガバナンス:デジタル社会における投票権保障』 Tokyo. 慶應義塾大学出版会. 2021.

辻村みよ子 国民主権と選挙権―「市民主権」への展望』 Tokyo. 信山社. 2021.

Empereur et famille impériale // Emperor and Imperial Family

平野共余子 天皇と接吻: アメリカ占領下の日本映画検閲』 Tokyo. 草思社. 2021. URL : 

Genre, sexualités & politique // Gender, Sexuality & Politics

Akimoto, Daisuke. « Can Japan Fix the Gender Gap in Its Politics? », The Diplomat. 22 juin 2021. 22 juin 2021 . URL  : 

Dalton, Emma. Sexual Harassment in Japanese Politics. Londres. Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. (Palgrave Macmillan Studies on Human Rights in Asia). DOI: [].

Guo, Jing et Colette V. Browne. « Women’s employment, work-life balance policies, and inequality across the life course: a comparative analysis of Japan, Sweden and the United States », Journal of Women & Aging. 2021. p. 1‑15. DOI: [].

Kumada, Yoko. « The historical and current stigma of sex workers in Japan » in Jeanett Bjønness, Lorraine Nencel et May-Len Skilbrei (dir.). Reconfiguring Stigma in Studies of Sex for Sale. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Lin, Chao-Chi et Wan-Ying Yang. « Electoral Rules, Nomination Strategies, and Women’s Representation in Japan and Taiwan », Social Science Japan Journal. 2021. DOI: [].

Miura, Mari. « Flowers for Sexual Assault Victims: Collective Empowerment through Empathy in Japan’s #MeToo Movement », Politics & Gender. 2021. p. 1‑7. DOI: [].

En japonais :

岩本美砂子 百合子とたか子 女性政治リーダーの運命』 Tokyo. 岩波書店. 2021.

植野妙実子 男女平等原則の普遍性 : 日仏比較を通じて』 Hachiōji. 中央大学出版部. 2021. 565 p. URL : 

江原由美子 ジェンダー秩序』 Tokyo. 勁草書房. 2021.

Gouvernement // Government

塩田潮危機の権力』 Tokyo. エムディエヌコーポレーション. 2021. URL : 

Gouvernement (Parti démocrate) // Government (DPJ)

菅直人 民主党政権 未完の日本改革』 Tokyo. 筑摩書房. 2021.

Idéologies & pensées politiques // Political Ideologies and Political Thought

Lange, Elena Louisa. Value without Fetish: Uno Kōzō’s Theory of ‘Pure Capitalism’ in Light of Marx’s Critique of Political Economy. Leiden. Brill. 2021. URL : 

Lee, Seok-Won. « Shimizu Ikutarō and the Precarious Coexistence of Progressivism and Conservatism », Social Science Japan Journal. 2021, vol.24 no 2. p. 327‑345. DOI: [].

Shimokawa, Kiyoshi et Peter R. Anstey (dir.). Locke on Knowledge, Politics and Religion: New Interpretations from Japan. Londres, New York. Bloomsbury Academic. 2021. 264 p.

En japonais :

大塚久雄 資本主義と市民社会 他十四篇』 Tokyo. 岩波書店. 2021.

小泉義之 災厄と性愛 ー 小泉義之政治論集成 I』 Tokyo. 月曜社. 2021.

小泉義之 闘争と統治 ― 小泉義之政治論集成 II』 Tokyo. 月曜社. 2021.

深田三徳 〈法の支配と立憲主義〉とは何か 法哲学・法思想から考える』 Tokyo. 日本評論社. 2021. URL : 

山内廣隆 田邊元の政治哲学: 戦中・戦後の思索を辿る』 Kyoto. 昭和堂. 2021.

吉澤国雄 「保守」から観た左派と保守各々のアキレス腱』 Tokyo. 東洋出版. 2021.

Local & politiques, collectivités territoriales // Local Government & Politics

Ganseforth, Sonja et Hanno Jentzsch (dir.). Rethinking Locality in Japan: What is Local? Londres. Routledge. 2021. 306 p. DOI: [].

Higuchi, Sotaro. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Technology in Japan. Cham. Springer. 2021.

Hoda, Takaaki et Richard B. Dasher. Local Tax Benefits at a Distance: Japan’s Hometown Tax Donation Payment. Cham. Springer. 2021. 181 p.

Ito, Takeshi et Mikiko Sugiura. « Satoyama Landscapes as Ecological Mosaics of Biodiversity: Local Knowledge, Environmental Education, and the Future of Japan’s Rural Areas », Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. 2021, vol.63 no 5. p. 14‑25. DOI: [].

Kinoshita, Yukio et Brian Dollery. « Local Water Utility Reform: Case Studies from Iwate Prefecture in Northern Japan », International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. p. 1‑11. DOI: [].

Taira, Atsushi. « Small, but Resilient: A Case Study of the Town of Utazu, Kagawa, Japan » in Jerzy Bański (dir.). The Routledge Handbook of Small Towns. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

En japonais :

礒崎初仁 立法分権のすすめ ―地域の実情に即した課題解決へ』 Tokyo. ぎょうせい. 2021.

金川幸司, 後房雄, 森裕亮, 洪性旭 (編) 協働と参加―コミュニティづくりのしくみと実践―』 Kyoto. 晃洋書房. 2021.

樋口喜昭 日本ローカル放送史 「放送のローカリティ」の理念と現実』 Tokyo. 青弓社. 2021.

藤井誠一郎ごみ収集とまちづくり 清掃の現場から考える地方自治』 Tokyo. 朝日新聞出版. 2021.

本多滝夫, 久保貴裕 自治体DXでどうなる地方自治の「近未来」 国の「デジタル戦略」と住民のくらし』 Tokyo. 自治体研究社. 2021.

吉見俊哉 東京復興ならず-文化首都構想の挫折と戦後日本』 Tokyo. 中央公論新社. 2021. URL : 

Médias & politique // Media & Politics

Coates, Jennifer et Eyal Ben-Ari. Japanese Visual Media: Politicizing the Screen. Londres. Routledge. 2021. 232 p. DOI: [].

Lee, Sangwon, Hernando Rojas, et Masahiro Yamamoto. « Social Media, Messaging Apps, and Affective Polarization in the United States and Japan », Mass Communication and Society. 2021. p. 1‑25. DOI: [].

Oi, Shinji, Shinsuke Sako, et Masaki Naka. « Formal freedom but tacit control: Journalism in Japan » in Lada Trifonova Price, Karen Sanders et Wendy N. Wyatt (dir.). The Routledge Companion to Journalism Ethics. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Shibata, Masaki. « Reported Speech as Persuasion: A Discourse Analysis of Japanese Journalism », Japanese Studies. 2021, vol.41 no 2. p. 221‑239. DOI: [].

Mémoires, histoire & politique // Memory, History & Politics

Jania, Alex. « How Should Americans Remember COVID-19?: Lessons from Post-Disaster Memorials in Japan », Critical Asian Studies. 2021. URL : 

Kimura, Maki. « Chapter 12. War Memorials: Materializing Traumatic Pasts and Constructing Memories of the Asia-Pacific War » in Mark S. Micale et Hans Pols (dir.). Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present. New York, Oxford. Berghahn Books. 2021. URL : 

Kitagawa, Risa et Jonathan A. Chu. « The Impact of Political Apologies on Public Opinion », World Politics. 2021, vol.73 no 2. p. 441‑481. DOI: [].

Nakamura, Eri. « Chapter 2. Male Hysteria in Modern Japan: Trauma, Masculinity, and Military Psychiatry during the Asia-Pacific War » in Mark S. Micale et Hans Pols (dir.). Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present. New York, Oxford. Berghahn Books. 2021. URL : 

Spremberg, Felix. « The Asia-Pacific War in Japan’s New Moral Education Textbooks », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 15 septembre 2021, vol.19 no 18‑2. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Yamamoto, Ai et John Sonnett. « Remembering the dreams, forgetting the war: commemoration and narrative in Japanese girls’ culture », American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 2021. DOI: [].

En japonais :

天日隆彦 歴史認識を問う』 Kyoto. 晃洋書房. 2021.

西岡力 日韓「歴史認識問題」の40年: 誰が元凶か、どう解決するか』 Tokyo. 草思社. 2021.

三谷文栄 歴史認識問題とメディアの政治学: 戦後日韓関係をめぐるニュースの言説分析』 Tokyo. 勁草書房. 2021.

Mémoire (Bombes atomiques) // Memory Politics (Atomic Bombs)

Hawkins, Mhairi Shaw. « Depictions of The Bomb and Nuclear Apocalypse in Japanese Anime », The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 1 août 2021, vol.19 no 15‑2. URL : [consulté le 8 octobre 2021].

Zwigenberg, Ran. « Chapter 3. Atomic Trauma: Japanese Psychiatry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki » in Mark S. Micale et Hans Pols (dir.). Traumatic Pasts in Asia: History, Psychiatry, and Trauma from the 1930s to the Present. New York, Oxford. Berghahn Books. 2021. URL : 

Mémoire (Femmes de “réconfort”) // Memory Politics (‘Comfort’ Women Issue)

Dolan, Emma. Gender and Political Apology: When the Patriarchal State Says “Sorry”. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021. URL : 

Inuzuka, Ako. Non-western Colonization, Orientalism, and the Comfort Women: The Collective Memory of Sexual Slavery Under the Japanese Imperial Military. Lanham. Lexington Books. 2021.

Kumagai, Naoko. « 10. Politics and Reconciliation: The Issue of Comfort Women in the Dynamics of Political Reconciliation between Japan and South Korea » in Bianca Boteva-Richter, Sarhan Dhouib et James Garrison (dir.). Political Philosophy from an Intercultural Perspective: Power Relations in a Global World. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021. URL :

Minorités, ethnicités et racismes // Minorities, Ethnicity and Racism

Oguma, Eiji. « Racial and ethnic identities in Japan » in Michael Weiner (dir.). Routledge Handbook of Race and Ethnicity in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Osuna, Akari et Michael Weiner. « Okinawan-Japanese-Hawaiian-American Ethnicity and Identity » in Michael Weiner (dir.). Routledge Handbook of Race and Ethnicity in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Robillard-Martel, Xavier. « Zainichi Koreans, African Americans, and the Racial Politics of Comparison », Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race. 2021. p. 1‑16. DOI: [].

Minorité (Ainu) // Minority (Ainu)

Gayman, Jeff. « State policy, indigenous activism, and the conundrums of ethnicity for the Ainu of Japan » in Michael Weiner (dir.). Routledge Handbook of Race and Ethnicity in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Komai, Eléonore. « The Ainu and Indigenous politics in Japan: negotiating agency, institutional stability, and change », Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics. 2021. p. 1‑24. DOI: [].

Shimada, Makoto. « Repatriation of Ainu Human Remains Excavated in Graveyards: Possible Solution under the Civil Code of Japan » The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Leiden. Brill. 2021, p. 431‑452. URL : 

Nationalisme & identité nationale // Nationalism & National Identity

Anan, Nobuko. « 39. – The Nation as Family: Motherhood and Love in Japan » in Shirin M. Rai, Milija Gluhovic, Silvija Jestrovic, et al. (dir.). The Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance. Oxford, New York. Oxford University Press. 2021, p. (Oxford Handbooks).

Fukuoka, Kazuya. « Redesigning What is National: The Politics of Education and the New Moral Education Initiative in Globalizing Japan », Contemporary Japan. 2021. p. 1‑22. DOI: [].

Fukuoka, Kazuya et Sachiko Takita-Ishii. « Teaching how to love your country in schools?: a study of Japanese youth narratives on patriotic education », National Identities. 2021. p. 1‑24. DOI: [].

Guthmann, Thierry. Nippon kaigi, ou, La vitalité du nationalisme politique dans le Japon contemporain. Paris. Les Indes savantes. 2021. 230 p. URL : 

Karatsu, Rie. « Rewriting 3.11 and Feminization of the Countryside: National Discourses in Shinkai Makoto’s Your Name (2016) », Japanese Studies. 2021. p. 1‑12. DOI: [].

Kerr, William. « Fukoku Kyōhei: Nationalism in Japan » in William Kerr (dir.). Darwinian Social Evolution and Social Change : The Evolution of Nationalisms. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 143‑177. DOI: [].

Powell, Richard. « The Sun Also Rises: Flying the Japanese Flag Amid Contested National Narratives » in Anne Wagner et Sarah Marusek (dir.). Flags, Color, and the Legal Narrative: Public Memory, Identity, and Critique. Cham. Springer International Publishing. 2021, p. 353‑383. (Law and Visual Jurisprudence). DOI: [].

Partis politiques // Political Parties

Reed, Steven R. « Patronage and Predominance: How the LDP Maintains Its Hold on Power », Social Science Japan Journal. 2021 no jyab033. DOI: [].

En japonais :

国正武重 日本政治の一証言──社会党と土井たか子の時代』 Tokyo. ArsLonga. 2021.

Personnalités politiques, leadership // Political Actors & Leadership

Morita Minoru. An Essay on Secretary-General Nikai Toshihiro. 東京. 論創社. 2021. URL : 

Populisme // Populism

有馬晋作 暴走するポピュリズム ――日本と世界の政治危機』 Tokyo. 筑摩書房. 2021.

Psychologie politique // Political Psychology

Nakamura, Konoyu et Stefano Carta (dir.). Jungian Psychology in the East and West: Cross-Cultural Perspectives from Japan. Londres. Routledge. 2021. 214 p. DOI: [].

Religion & politique // Religion & Politics

Mullins, Mark R. Yasukuni Fundamentalism: Japanese Religions and the Politics of Restoration. Honolulu. University of Hawai’i Press. 2021. URL : 

Seizelet, Éric. « Aux racines du problème du sanctuaire Yasukuni dans le Japon d’après-guerre : l’apothéose des esprits des soldats tués durant la guerre du Pacifique », Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains. 2021, N° 283 no 3. p. 115‑133. DOI: [].

Société civile & mouvements sociaux // Civil Society & Social Movements

Arrington, Celeste L. « Insider Activists and Secondhand Smoke Countermeasures in Japan », Asian Survey. 2021, vol.61 no 4. p. 559‑590. DOI: [].

Avenell, Simon. « Japanese civil society and Asian transnationalism: Bringing the region in » in Simon Avenell et Akihiro Ogawa (dir.).  Transnational Civil Society in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Avenell, Simon et Akihiro Ogawa (dir.). Transnational Civil Society in Asia: The Potential of Grassroots Regionalization. Londres. Routledge. 2021. DOI: [].

Gonon, Anne et Christian Galan. Occupy Tôkyô. SEALDs, le mouvement oublié. Paris. Le Bord de l’Eau. 2021. URL : [consulté le 2 juillet 2021].

Mikami, Akina. « Translocal civil society and grassroots resilience: A case study of the Fukushima-Cairns recuperation initiative » in Simon Avenell et Akihiro Ogawa (dir.).  Transnational Civil Society in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Ogawa, Akihiro. « Unethical politics: Japan’s nuclear technology export to Turkey and transnational anti-nuclear networks » in Simon Avenell et Akihiro Ogawa (dir.).  Transnational Civil Society in Asia. Londres, New York. Routledge. 2021.

Société civile & mouvements sociaux (personnes en situation de handicap) // Civil Society & Social Movements (Disabled People)

Arrington, Celeste L. « Disabled People’s Fight for Rights in South Korea and Japan », Current History. 2021, vol.120 no 827. p. 233‑239. DOI: [].

Kitanaka, Junko. « Limits of empathy: The dementia tōjisha movement in Japan », Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. 2021, vol.57 no 3. p. 266‑272. DOI: [].

Okura, Sae. « The Political Underrepresentation of People with Disabilities in the Japanese Diet », Social Science Japan Journal. 2021, vol.24 no 2. p. 369‑396. DOI: [].

Société civile & mouvements sociaux (syndicalisme) // Civil Society & Social Movements (Labor Unions)

荻野登 平成期の労働運動 ~主要労働団体の動向を中心に』 Tokyo. 日本生産性本部 労働情報センター. 2021.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ioan Trifu (10 octobre 2021). Bibliographie (été 2021) : politique japonaise contemporaine // Contemporary Japanese Politics. Politique au Japon. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

Auteur/autrice : Ioan Trifu

Docteur en science politique (Université de Lyon et Université du Tōhoku)

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